Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Smithy

My husband has decided that the small shed just might be too small for his smithy, and really, it probably is. Then there is the problem of where to put all the stuff thats in the shed, like the garden tools and lawn mower. I didn't want them in the barn, its already too small as well without adding all that other stuff.
So we came up with a plan to add onto the shed with another building that will be the smithy. So far things are going well. I think the hardest part has been trying to figure out what kind of roof it should have. Because we are building about 90% of the new shed from recycled lumber and pallets, the roof has the potential to be the most expensive part of the project. I think thats the real reason why its been the hardest decision. We don't want to spend a lot of money on it, I have figured $200 for the whole thing; but at the same time when it is all said and done, we don't want it to look like we made it from pallets, it has to have a finished look to it.
We are planning on using slab wood for the siding. Slab wood is the pieces they cut off the logs first at sawmills to make the log square enough to get the dimensional lumber from. The mills have a ton of this stuff laying around and because they consider it waste or a byproduct of the milling process, it's pretty cheap too. I like the slab wood because it has a log cabin look to it if you take the time to pick through the pieces, it's very rustic. The outside of our house has a log cabin look to it so it should match the style well.
I have been taking a few pictures as we have been building, and I will get them posted soon. We have the outside walls up and we hope to start on the roof tomorrow, if it doesn't snow too hard.

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